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am a panda

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Everything posted by am a panda

  1. Welcome! A bit more information may be good but as you've previously been a member may not be necessary. Always good to have more pvpers among us, we are out at least a few times a week hitting multi spots so look forward to seeing you around!
  2. Welcome! We still regularly pk, usually at least 1-2 trips during the week and at least 1 trip on the weekend so hopefully you'll enjoy it! A really nice application by the way, look forward to seeing you around.
  3. Welcome! Glad to see you applied. Would maybe beef up your application a bit more and you'll be good to go! As promised I will try and set up a gwd event at some point for you once accepted
  4. Welcome man, good to see you in cc and to see you so eager to PK. We have plenty of trips throughout the week so you should have a good time here. We are usually out on our main accounts though so I'm glad to see you're transitioning to a main account, hit nightmare zone for some fast combat xp! Nice app too by the way.
  5. Posted on behalf of @typh2g who posted it on the calendar event in error https://gyazo.com/415caf8ea3b5670b19f2441c194c8efd It's a dragon pickaxe from KBD
  6. Jesus, App manager decline this man for losing the spoon squirrel pet. Nice app though in all seriousness, we regularly PK on mains and PK every once in a while on our pure accounts so I'm sure you'll enjoy it here!
  7. I'm the same as you, I tend to solely PK. I am on during the day but I try to make it as afk as possible as I am always working anyway, so it doesn't feel as bad. Even on the off chance I am online and active of an evening and not PKing I tend to do some semi-afk stuff like Corp so I can chat shit with other WG guys or watch netflix or something at the same time.
  8. LOL - I genuinely thought to myself before opening the thread "Why is HussLived posting an application for his alt account?". Welcome! Be good to have you on board.
  9. Welcome! Seems like your english is already pretty good to be honest! Seen you in cc a few times, look forward to chatting with you more.
  10. am a panda

    [Accepted] kl3m

    Welcome! Glad you found us. Already have a tattoo artist in the clan as well @d ob
  11. Strange, NMZ hasn’t been nerfed so far as I know. Couple questions: - Are you using the rumble option? - Are you on hard or normal mode? - Are you using absorption potions or prayer potions? What hp do you sit at? - What enemies do you face in NMZ? - Are you doing it on mobile and if so, what OS is it? Short of answering those I’d just recommend watching it for 15 minutes to see why you die so soon. I have a feeling you may say you’re doing it on your phone and you have an iPhone. Using the osrs app doesn’t work for this as iPhone will automatically log you out unless you are actively on the app after something really small like 2 mins. If you have android there is an option like “apps in the background” which keeps it running for quite a while longer.
  12. lmao strong app, welcome back... look forward to seeing you around
  13. Welcome! No need to worry about being crap at pvm or pvp, if you fancy giving any of it another go we are more than happy to take learners on both pk trips and on pvm trips. If not we have some skilling events for you anyway so I'm sure you'll fit right in! "Football mad"... Feel free to join our fantasy football league once you've joined, I'm afraid you won't find any Derby players to draft though
  14. Welcome! Glad you found us, if you haven't already then join the friends chat "wg cc" and the clan "wg" as a guest to hang out and chat! More information would be great, check out some other accepted applications for some examples, don't need a life story just want to learn a bit more about you.
  15. @Lillefigo gon get his ass handed to him
  16. Welcome! Look forward to seeing you around and having you pk with us
  17. How sweaty is "sweaty mw2 player"? I was a very sweaty mw2 player and am also Brit so may have crossed paths if you were playing competitively on Decerto or GB. Welcome back nonetheless!
  18. am a panda

    [Declined] jay

    Welcome, it's awesome to see you so enthusiastic posting on so many topics! Make sure to !app-review in the #osrs-app-review channel on discord after 48 hours have passed. Look forward to seeing you about.
  19. Welcome! A little extra information would be awesome but look forward to seeing you in the wilderness nonetheless!
  20. Welcome! Look forward to seeing you around
  21. Very nice app! Welcome, come out pking with us sometime
  22. Welcome (back)! Loads of opportunities to learn the very highest level of pvm here. Once you're accepted try and check out Nylophobic or Yastiacki's learner events for TOB/COX or simply message them on discord, they're usually happy to take along learners!
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