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WG Logout

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Posts posted by WG Logout

  1. 1 hour ago, Wessox010 said:

    Im not sure but the normal amount would be between 3-4 people I think. So lets see when it happens. See how many people are interested in this and we can make the groups. And maybe make it a battle or something. 

    Do some PvP against eachother after a few months and let noobs pick up our loot.

  2. 3 hours ago, Drubbz said:

    As long as you dont swear you will do well here. Joining the Elite ranks of WG will send you in the right direction on your adventure. Best wishes and good luck

    If WG had a non swearing policy I'd be screwed

  3. On 9/24/2019 at 12:33 AM, Cursed Rake said:

    Congrats!! I aim to be in a similar spot in the next few months. Did you train through slayer or NMZ? I'm doing a bit of both. 


    I hate slayer with a passion, mostly nmz


    10 hours ago, N3WB said:

    gratz, sry didnt have congrats on 99 spam ready :<

    I completely forgot about it personally haha

  4. Cool application, looking forward to having you on PK trips soon(tm), but you should fluff up your application with a bit more detail, what sort of events you like, what you like outside of OSRS.

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