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Honoured Guardian
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Everything posted by Hathor666

  1. Thanks father, it's good to be back even if it was only 24 hours
  2. Now no one can be surprised that I'm an ass.
  3. Hathor Ray Tell us about yourself. Well I'd like to start off with I am an asshole. Anyone who knows me knows this. I dont beat around the bush(except for gore's Bush) and I dont pull punches. For those that are sensitive I might not be there person for you, approach me at your own risk. Now I like playing osrs, I strongly dislike rs3. I also play league on occasion. I'm a very active person and I keep myself in good shape. Yes yas I have abs, no you cant touch them. Clan history. Ddc- merged our active member with wg. Wg- left for rl Wg- left (I dont remember why) Wg- left because of school Zt- left due to inactivity Wg- left due to inactivity Wg- hot booted for being an asshole How did you hear about us? I honestly dont remember Do you plan to join? I already joined back in 04, and I'm currently a member Any last comments? Despite the events of the last 24 hours I am still here, even if someone is trying to get me kicked. Thanks slump for actually looking into all the details even after you had kicked me and I k ow you learned a lot from this (though you already knew I was an asshole) much love to our staff. And those who fought on my behalf I thank you from the bottom of my heart (if I had one that is) and it means a lot that you guys like me so much that you would fight to keep me around.
  4. Nice app, a few of us have been around for a long time. I joined wg back in 04. It's nice to see some new faces. Just stay active in the cc and disc and I'm sure you'll fit right in.
  5. Hey bro, try adding a bit more info to the app, but welcome and its good to dr you again.
  6. Yup I'm getting close. Tomorrow I'm going to chin and grind those lvls as well, hopefully I'll get 92 range.
  7. Thanks guys, I've slacked off a bit but I'm still working on those lvls. I'm now 109 combat here are my updated stats, I'm currently working on 90 str.
  8. Ohh she's know me for a bit now, so she's well aware of how I am.
  9. Welcome moe, glad to have you here. Be easy on her guys she's new to the game.
  10. I'm Now 108 combat, slowly but surely getting those lvls. Here are my updated stats.
  11. Welcome moe, make sure to make your app for the clan.
  12. Nice app, it's nice to see other ppl on mobile. #mobilesquad
  13. Well I'm going to work on getting to 115 combat. Since I do need it for my next rank. Starting off at 106 combat
  14. Welcome and great app, I look forward to seeing you around.
  15. Welcome to the boards, nice app and good hob putting some effort into it. Good luck and I look forward to seeing you around.
  16. Thanks for the warm welcome guys.
  17. I didnt agree with Jared getting kick, but since he seems to be hanging out and chilling and no hard feelings, I guess I shouldn't let the past effect me. Was I upset that he got kicked yes, but I've moved on from that.
  18. Thanks sabre and mini, it's good to be back.
  19. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Dl360noscope What is your current RS name? Dl360noscope List any previous RS names: Drizzile, Hathor666 What is your total level and combat level? 106 combat Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Well let's see, I created my account about 15 years ago. I've played off and on over the years and decided to stop playing after EoC was released. I came back shortly after osrs was released. Now I have a long history will the Wilderness Guardians and I'm sure a lot of you will recognize me. Yes I know I quit months ago but I've decided to come back, as WG is home and always will be. In the last few months I've actually worked on my account quite a bit, even if I am only on mobile now. After talking with a few of my friends I decided I had no reason not to rejoin. Tell us about your clan history. Well I joined wg back in 2004, and I'd go inactive every once and a while. But almost always came back. I've also been in Zero tolerance as well. I've pked with a few other clans but never joined them. I also pk with a couple teams as well. Of course pking with the clan comes first. Tell us about your yourself. Ok so I'm sure a lot has changed about me since last I applied to wg, so here goes. I'm currently a wildland firefighter, though I'm out of this season due to injuries. I keep myself in good shape and stay pretty active. I do like to play league of legends sometimes but I rar6get to play. I currently live in Los Angeles which is pretty interesting, especially with the last couple days with the earthquakes. I look forward to hanging with my old friends here as well <3 How did you hear about us? His lordship recruited me years ago. What makes you want to join us? I've been with wg in the past, and honestly wg has always been my home. I'm coming home again guys, I've been away to long. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Uh, nothing I'm aware of. I know I stated above I pk with a couple teams but the clan always comes first. I dont have any beef with anyone in the clan that I'm aware of.
  20. wish i ha been able to stay for the entire time but sadly i had to sleep so i could go to work that morning.
  21. its good to see some old names popping back in. not sure if you will remember me or not i was off and on a lot back then.
  22. Welcome back, where abouts in Oregon are you studying? I drive to Portland twice a week myself.
  23. Welcome, I've seen you in the cc for a while. I agree with the others if love to see more detail in your app.
  24. Welcome to the boards, gl on your app and I look forward to seeing you in the cc. I'm also working on my agility.
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