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Posts posted by FAT CLACKERS

  1. If you go to a job interview you don’t tell them about your previous convictions man. I don’t think anyone applying to an honor clan is going to expect to be accepted if they admit to a bunch of rulebreaking… and surely the majority of people will just lie anyway lol

    If we ban him for something that he would have been let off for if he disclosed it, we might as well just remove the question and and say we don’t care about your past? 

  2. Welcome back we all missed you lots and appreciate you waiting around for a second shot. For all you know, admitting to servicing on application would get you instantly declined, you made the right choice but trusted the wrong people. WMUNY is a good dude, everyone’s broken a rule or 2 in their time, most people don’t deserve another go but he does! ❤️ 

  3. I’m sure you will make a great asset if you come from competitive gaming! Once you come to a trip you will want to convince your homies to Join up too 😁


  4. i remember the first time i stepped into the wilderness as a guardian, 1k total and 113 combat, roll out was kind enough to come take a big goobly noobly out and has always been well respected, been hoping for the return for a while now! ❤️

  5. was it tbing? because if so i believe in second chances

    On 4/23/2023 at 3:06 PM, 19kc corp said:

    I was on the edge of quitting OSRS and flamed a staff member for a few weeks on my way out. Un-quit OSRS a while ago and I feel like maybe the clan misses me enough to give me one of the famous WG second/third/etc chances, but we'll see what your fellow staff say.


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