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WG Fargorn

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Everything posted by WG Fargorn

  1. Hello and good luck with your app
  2. Thought for sure he would be a pvmer with a name like that.
  4. Good luck with the app mickey
  5. Breaking paradigms and hasn't even joined yet.
  6. Hello and welcome. App looks good. Make sure to follow up with an app manager
  7. Welcome back broski Lohow is coming back this week also
  8. It is his brother. in brief Brother A applied on main, got accepted, got bored, gave his account to Brother B who has continued to play, and is one of the more active and useful members we have. Brother B has told us many times that he was not the initial account holder. Brother A is now re-applying on a pure he made.
  9. You sir are missing the point. This man here. He is a fucking warrior.
  10. https://i.gyazo.com/2fe28cd2694949c59ddc3785ce7f6509.mp4 WG discord instantly
  11. HOLY FUCKING SHIT missed you bud
  12. 3K KILLS FOR WG LOOT TAB SALE *LESS PROFIT THAN THE LAST ONE https://i.gyazo.com/648d8c3697d01351667d6e1dbd918fd2.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/87fdacaadd2646dce9ee9eff6f56f5f4.mp4
  13. Welcome max and good luck with your app
  14. Welcome and good luck with the app Hope to see you pking with us soon
  15. Good luck with the application, we actually have a substantial Dutch community in WG, unfortunately most of them are pvmers.
  16. You know what is way better and more intense than clicking an NPC? Pking and warring.
  17. Welcome and good luck Start working on those combat stats if you want to come fight with us!
  18. Mushroom is our local mute, I hope you can talk. Lad is loyal AF and fights, gotta love him. Good luck with the app
  19. Account is coming along my dude what are you objectives? Your account seems very balanced. But not particularity specialized lol
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