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Elite Guardian
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Posts posted by suffud

  1. 15 hours ago, WG Da Man said:

    Has anyone played it, is it any good been thinking about buying it but last couple have let me down. the cod 4 remake was the only decent thing that came out of the last one for me.

    I've brought it on the ps4. The campaign is nice, however the ending was a bit of a meh, I expected a bit more of a big battle. 


    So far online has been largely a mixed experience. The lobby system took some getting used too. Seems like they got a lot of a destiny idea from it. I like the firing range and doing stuff whilst waiting for the games to start.

    Online has been well... strange. Its actually slow to get into games, Im presuming the matchmaking system is a bit buggy. Its speed up today after I got it on release but taking almost 5 days says a lot. 

    Gameplay wise: It's either snipe with a Lee Enfield or run about with a SMG/Assault rifle. Don't bother with anything else. You can have some success I guess with a shotgun, but only in a choke spots/CQC like trenches. Gun leveling up is nice, goes quickly though perhaps too quick. I'm level 19 at this point so I'll update as I go along. 

  2. His done it again, he broke the games hardest boss doing the Inferno on a pure with twisted bow, 82 range and Ice Burst?!? 

    link for the pures stats. Jmods have commented that they didnt even think it would be possible on a pure. Let alone one that is not maxed. Pretty crazy shit. 


    https://clips.twitch.tv/KnottyClumsyDolphinNerfRedBlaster clip for those interested.


  3. I would normally be denying the application of this NEWB to the clan, however she would likely beat me IRL for it. So I'm recommending her! 


    She will learn a lot and be a good asset, already proven with scouting for us on PK trips! 

  4. Bit of an embarrassment really but I fall asleep earlier today and had a nap, not been sleeping great recently so napping a fair bit after work. I scheduled the PK event for 7 30 and woke up without an Alarm at 7 40. During this dream I dreamt I was for some reason pking in my slayer gear, standing behind a web with a guy in mystics and ancient staff trash talking on the other side. Suddenly I wake bolt upright hearing ice barrage. I'd put my phone earlier on loud due to expecting a call and forgot I had ice barrage as a notification setting for apps and one updated and set it off. Legit thought I was being attacked IRL for a few moments before I realised im dreaming! 


    Anybody else got any random RS dreams happen to them before? This is the first I remember. 


  5. Honestly, I didn't even watch it but the whole thing seems bullshit to put it lightly. Way to coincidental that the 4 people left, all had better food/levels and all DC. Whilst the ROT member does not. They really need to stop doing the DMMT and instead focus on sorting the issue of DCing out or the game is going to get such negative press due to it. It's happening too much, the Pking single community is trash due to it with people DDOSing anybody with a high value +1. I don't know about the waring scene but it's likely a very similar issue. 


    What's the point in fighting when the servers is what kills you not your reaction speed or strategy?

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