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  1. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Zutheris in 2nd 99   
  2. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Misdeal in 1750 total level achieved. Breakdown of levels and xp   
  3. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Adult Cat in Frozelina   
    Looks good man! 
    A lot of money for a ring of life isn't it
  4. Like
    Ellmeister reacted to WG Fargorn in Ell Meister's Progress   
    Easily one of the most improved and fastest to level this year  That farming level is nuts! 
    Keep up the good work dude  
  5. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from WG Fargorn in Ell Meister's Progress   
    3rd August 2018                             1st September 2018

    Not many gains, been pretty inactive the past month. Just knackered and logging in is far too much effort. I'm keeping up with a daily farm run but not much more than that.
    85 Slayer achieved and have broken a 200M bank finally.
    The Herblore tab got me 61 to 73 which is awesome, sold off 1K ppots as I don't need so many and bought myself an SGS! Been doing Solo DKs most of the day today.. DRY.
  6. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from The Megla in [Accepted] The Megla   
    About time you posted this Megla =), we'll have to get back too DKs soon
  7. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from WG Lohow in Another one + and a nice total level milestone :)   
  8. Like
    Ellmeister reacted to King Alaric in [Declined] Kritical619   
    This has now become part of my work routine
  9. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Ezrue in [Accepted] Ezrue   
    Hello and welcome 
    The higher CB will help in multi Pking as you'll have less pures etc able to pick you off from the clan Only reason I'm training melee if for CB.
  10. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Zutheris in First 99!   
  11. love
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Kneel Dogs in [Accepted] Kneel Dogs   
    Hello and welcome 
  12. Like
    Ellmeister reacted to ro10 carrot in [Accepted] RO10 Carrot   
    I will, thank you so much. And thanks a lot you guys for your warm welcome, I actually appreciate it. 
  13. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from ro10 carrot in [Accepted] RO10 Carrot   
    Hello and welcome 
  14. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Misdeal in Dragonslayer 2 completed   
    Nice! Grats.
  15. love
    Ellmeister got a reaction from iFarted71 in [Declined] iFarted71   
    Hello and welcome 
    What do you mean by bought the account?
  16. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from AntrasBangis in [Accepted] AntrasBangis   
    Hello and welcome 
  17. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from H58 in Reminder for cat   
    Just seen you world 2 selling a BGS :o?

  18. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Neven in [Accepted] Neven Sabre   
    Hello and welcome
  19. Like
    Ellmeister reacted to Neven in Community Intro - Neven Sabre   
    Yooooooooooooo - good to see you again Ben. I'll be around. 
    I'll submit an application tonight or tomorrow then.  I'll hop in discord eventually.
  20. Like
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Bill Parker in [Accepted] Bill Parker   
    Hello and welcome
  21. Like
    Ellmeister reacted to Neven in Ell Meister's Progress   
    Nice progress - grats on the high slayer level. Planning on training after I get my main quests done for MM1, Lost City, get my defender etc lol. Keep it up! 
  22. Like
    Ellmeister reacted to Always Hope in [Accepted] Always Hope   
    no, i dont have any aglae problems,. Make sure the tank isnt in direct sunlight and no more than 8 hours of light a day. A cheap method is using hydrogen peroxide, so you could give that a try
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!! and i will be sure to do that after the 48 hour mark.
  23. love
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Always Hope in [Accepted] Always Hope   
    Hello and welcome!
    Does your turtle setup suffer with algae? I'm having awful issues trying to keep my tank nice through the summer..
  24. love
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Soggy_OG in [Accepted] Soggy_nut   
    Hello and welcome!
  25. love
    Ellmeister got a reaction from Mojo in Reactions   
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