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WG Fargorn

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Everything posted by WG Fargorn

  1. WG Fargorn

    [Accepted] G abe

    Hey Gabe, I look forward to seeing you at our pks
  2. Hey dude What are your main interests in rs?
  3. Hello inked lady, good luck!
  4. Hi Sohil, and good luck joining!
  5. Hello mr melon sir. I like people that grease themselves up, murder my enemies, share the looties, and then drink to our victories.
  6. Haven't we already seen an app from this guy? Good luck!
  7. A friend of Jhonny is a friend of mine GL getting in dude. The thicker the application the better btw!
  8. I too come seeking the knowledge of godbart!
  9. Hey Tee I am a newer member. Good luck in your application. That is quite the list of clans sir! lol
  10. Hi Jared, if you need anything in-game give me a shout. Hope this clan is a better fit for ya!
  11. @AAIGHT Holy shit Bert, your bank gives me horrible anxiety. My wife would murder you.
  12. Welcome bro Do you know our x-sabre members? Don't worry about lvs and such, the clan took me in when I had returned to rs for a couple days, I was lv 40. I am still the noob of the bunch but they are super helpful and friendly.
  13. Hello mr.claus, met you in cc. Good luck with your app!
  14. UPDATE #1 3 MONTHs OF RS 1)Quests. 98 QP. This remains a large challenge for me. However the quests do force me to skill. 2) I achieved level 50+ in all stats except; RC,Farming,Agility,Fishing (Suggestions welcome) 3) I have been successful in acquiring my minimal 7mill xp/month. This should become progressively easier. Initial Post Stats -----------------------Update #1 (3 months since returning to RS) 73/ 85 attack---------------------------- 83/85 75/85 str----------------------------------81/85 71/ whatever def----------------------- 74/D 46/whatever prayer--------------------56/P 78/99 range------------------------------89/99 64/85 mage -----------------------------85/85! COMPLETE! Now 85/93! I have elected to drop the goal of 85 mining. I am not a pure fp2er anymore, and there are better places to make money/pk in p2p. My new objective is now Fremmy Hard Diary. Doing Fremmy Hard will force me to acquire Lunar magics and a means of further training mage, 100+qp, Avianies as a means of making money and getting some further range xp.
  15. Incredible! I feel like it would make 4 ticking a lot harder? How does one hybrid with a 120 inch screen lol
  16. Okay so what are the final objectives? and what are the limitations? Are you allowed looting from wildly? Are you allowed using GE? PVM?
  17. Good luck applying dude! The more effort the better. We like to see some commitment!
  18. Good luck with your application!
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