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Everything posted by Mojo

  1. Mojo

    [Declined] I Teutonic I

    thanks Welcome back!
  2. Mojo

    [Accepted] Booska

    Welcome back, it's been a while
  3. Mojo

    [Declined] Emej

    Welcome to our forums. Honestly haven't seen many South Africans in the clan before you might be the first
  4. Welcome Shout out to the cousin @RNGeezusPLS for recruiting!
  5. Mojo

    [Accepted] Liggy

    Hello and welcome. Perhaps tell us a bit more about yourself. That section is a little bare.
  6. Welcome to our forums. App is a little short, tell us a bit about yourself
  7. Thanks for applying again, app looks great
  8. Mojo

    [Accepted] rucesion

    Always nice to see very old WG members returning! That said, you could surely add in more about your rs playing history than just the years that you played in. Would be interesting to read
  9. Mojo

    [Accepted] Baites

    all clear dude, use the #osrs-app-review channel and request an app review
  10. Mojo

    [Accepted] USC CG

    Hi mate and welcome back I agree with musical above, the application is pretty lacking in effort. Edit more in
  11. Mojo

    [Accepted] Baites

    Welcome back and thanks for being honest about this. That said, we need to take some time to consider what to do about people returning from this clan for obvious reasons. App Managers will be in touch once we've made a decision.
  12. hey welcome. I'm sure you can tell us a bit more about your RS account and your RS history than just this edit more in! also as hugboat points out, you need to accept these
  13. Mojo

    [Accepted] Semb

    Welcome back!
  14. Welcome, well written app
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