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Everything posted by Wagered

  1. nice change for the morytania legs.. might actually use them now for barrows since the right click.
  2. Welcome Finally not an osbuddy noob.
  3. I agree. I don't get why its level 50 combat though, it should be like 90.
  4. Wagered

    [Declined] FloatD

    Welcome, I agree, when hitpoints was 10x it was pretty annoying to get used to
  5. Wagered

    [Declined] Cercie

    welcome, perfect combat level for pking, and we also do a lot of bandos/raids if you are interested.
  6. Wagered


    what is this thread lmao
  7. I am of German descent, my great great great great great great great (7x) grandfather fought in the american revolution. he came to america in 1760. His son fought in the war of 1812. My great uncle was captured by the Nazi's in World War II at the battle of the bulge, and is still alive today.
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