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Everything posted by MrFreakyFrog

  1. Welcome to the forums, all the best with your application.
  2. Welcome, good luck with your application
  3. Let's hope that they continue to listen to the community and god ash takes control. Good luck to the guy!
  4. Awesome attempt at an intro haha welcome, if you apply I'd strongly recommend a bit more details. Good luck!
  5. Welcome I feel you maybe a bit smart with all your chess interest etc. Good luck mate!
  6. Am I the only 1 wanting to try this but has the fear that I will inhale it and die?
  7. Good luck with your application, read it fully i on the future to avoid an edit!
  8. MrFreakyFrog

    [Accepted] Qufo

    Good luck on your application
  9. Welcome, and good luck hopefully your background check is clear! Everyone deserves the second chance.
  10. Welcome, best of luck on your application.
  11. Good luck on your application
  12. Welcome! Good luck on your application
  13. And there is the application! Welcome and good luck.
  14. I feel an application coming on! Best of luck if you decide to apply
  15. Welcome, nice tidy application. Good luck!
  16. Welcome and good luck!
  17. I've recently set up a PK tab, it's nothing special but I find it fast and efficient.current pk tab... https://gyazo.com/260dd048cc459d3cd3073bc363223512 Also the spirit shields now replaced with crystals and the bolts etc made up to 2k and added rev tabs.
  18. Welcome, good luck on your application
  19. Welcome you beast, best of luck!
  20. Welcome, good luck with the application.
  21. I would agree to the clan rules etc and redo the application, good luck
  22. Welcome back, maybe we can take your hardcore pking at some point
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