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Everything posted by poiuyt415

  1. Welcome, very nice app my man look forward to playing with you
  2. finally welcome to out forums haha !
  3. welcome man hope your first corp trip was decent enough! as mentioned above youre more then welcome to pvp, skill or pvm and there is no pressure what so ever to do all three! were a clan with many different typees of players!
  4. How much did it sell for?
  5. welcome to our forums dude, i was thinking you'd know sabre due to your name
  6. you photo is fucking beautiful mt pineapple
  7. poiuyt415

    [Declined] Moabs

    welcome mate, app is looking good!
  8. poiuyt415

    [Accepted] n3v

    nev can not be trusted! , welcome bacl dude hope the cooking training is almost at 99 now
  9. why is it the goldeneye theme song ahaha ! killed me
  10. https://gyazo.com/c7eba084c4ef8c8abf39272a3eb1e674
  11. a 1 kc KQ account youll forever remain
  12. RNG sure works in weird ways, only a minor achievement but what a coincidence of this happening! one step closer to getting that desert diary done now
  13. pretty close to me, representing london
  14. come back to dota daddy plus i love strageies/rpgs too i need to join you on some
  15. Rains gonna rain, Haters gonna hate and AAIGHT... well AAIGHT is always gone rc , welcome dude
  16. imma give my full address, i want mini showing up
  17. poiuyt415

    Oh shi-

    its all that botting he did in lumby on those poor men
  18. welcome to our forums :D, whereabouts in london you from mate?
  19. welcome to our forums, glad you've been enjoying the cc
  20. he touched you too? old habits die hard
  21. Application is looking good man, welcome
  22. its an odd suggestion, what is he actually suggesting is broken about pvp mechanics? how pvp is now is pretty much as old school as you can get it, people don't want a change in mechanics... however do bring back bolas so mage becomes obsolete and ragging ranging takes over everywhere!
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