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Ghost Sabre

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Everything posted by Ghost Sabre

  1. Welcome dude. Please accept our apologies for your death maybe next time you will be the one doing the killing! Nice strength level! I hope you can complete the application process and follow up with the App Managers on Discord. Talk to you later!
  2. Hello and welcome. I hope you can complete the application process by following through with an App Manager on Discord. I saw your YT channel. Pretty cool and interesting vids. I also want a revival to spark the popularity of the Arena shooter genre. Have you played the latest Unreal Tournament Alpha? Anyway, I hope to see you in game. Good to see other people who played in 2005, those were the days. Looking forward to seeing you level up and come to events and pk trips with us!
  3. Hey mate glad to see you apply. I hope everything goes well with your app and that you reach out to the App Managers in Discord to follow through. Welcome to the Wilderness Guardians!
  4. Welcome. Your app looks good. Hope to see you at events and pk trips soon!
  5. Pleased to meet you b33fy welcome to the Wilderness Guardians. We hope to see you on the PK trips soon!
  6. yo. i know the feeling of having 30+ accounts lolz. welcome dude hope to see you on the pk raids.
  7. TB scroll that never splashes is a bad idea they are dumb af. so we can have our range tanks tb ppl while in full dhide and ballistas lmfao do they even think? weapons to do more damage to wildy bosses is not a bad idea. it's a continued effort to revitalize the wildy food chain.
  8. Decided to finish it off AFKing at work etc.
  9. @Vio - please design a GET REKT emoji
  10. filled it out heavily requesting for more pvp areas lol
  11. mate, welcome to the wilderness guardians!
  12. Ok for a laptop in that price range you should demand specs no less than: Display: FHD 1920x1080 with refresh rate of 120hz and Gsync CPU: Intel i5 or i7 - quad core 7th or 8th gen GPU: Nvidea GTX 1060 or higher RAM: 16 GB Storage: 128 GB or higher SSD for system, secondary drive 1 TB HDD if you're patient and watch costco this one or one like it might come back into stock: https://www.costco.com/.product.1206442.html
  13. San Fran is dope I hung out there a lot when I was living in northern California. if you like hiking I hope you make it over to Yosemite national park and-Alamere Falls on the northwest coast.
  14. looking forward to pking with you i'm sure you will become a beast
  15. greetings! mad respect for feeling the desire to join even after we pked you. you're exactly the kind of person that we need in our clan. i'm looking forward to seeing you in game, this time on our side!
  16. hey dude good luck with the recruitment process. good job Genghis bong for recruiting
  17. sup Hendrix. it take's balls to apply here after dying to our greasy pk squad. so what i'm saying is you'll fit in here just fine because we all have big balls. it's nice to see range tanks apply to WG. while you're a member here, you will be able to fully develop your runescape potential. welcome!
  18. hey thimby waddup hope to see you complete the application process and reach full membership rank!
  19. hello! nice to see you come back to re-apply after being in the clan previously. welcome back!
  20. welcome back you filthy pimp
  21. to be honest building a PC these days is much more expensive than it used to be due to cryptocurrency mining. I recommend getting something from Dell, MSI, Acer, ASUS, etc. and if you're looking for a laptop there should be some really good deals. it's too bad you missed the memorial day sale that dell had. the prices on Alienware systems were astronomically cheaper than building a PC yourself. for this laptop pricerange, make sure you're getting a display that is 1920x1080 at 120hz and hopefully G Sync. I advise you to be patient and wait for a deal on something you like and has great performance for the money. check out these as examples: https://slickdeals.net/f/11571963-evga-sc15-gaming-laptop-i7-7700hq-16gb-ram-256gb-ssd-gtx-1060-fhd-w-g-sync-1000-shipping?src=SiteSearchV2_SearchBarV2Algo1 https://slickdeals.net/f/11461695-msi-gf72vr651-gaming-laptop-intel-core-i7-6gb-nvidia-1060-graphics-1080p-1099-99?src=SiteSearchV2_SearchBarV2Algo1 https://slickdeals.net/f/11688927-msi-gf72vr651-17-3-laptop-i7-7700hq-16gb-1060-999-97-s-h-costco-com?src=SiteSearchV2_SearchBarV2Algo1 that website is really good to check every day or two to find deals on gaming laptops and anything else related to computers/video games and other stuff. it's basically just a forum where they post deals. but try to avoid the "sponsored" posts as it's mostlikely not as good of a deal. if you end up building or buying a desktop, I would shoot for a PC under 800 bucks and then getting a 1ms 144hz monitor and a rapid response keyboard and mouse.
  22. osrs mobile continues to be delayed. idiots.
  23. hey dude hope to se you on the pk trips soon
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