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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/20 in all areas

  1. Atren224


    being a caretaker for my own family has been hard for the pass 6 years but with covid its even harder. I must keep my family safe and now working at a pizza place it gets scary to think what if i get it and get my family sick. i need the money being I plan on getting married in a few years. The stress in life is at an all time high and dealing with it is hard. but talking to people and letting out your stress does help in some ways. keep your head up, maybe go for a walk, or write, or paint, do anything to keep the mind busy.
    2 points
  2. 1800RagList


    With all the awful things going on in the world I just want to make a post to check in on each other. So with that being said here's mine : Um I’ll start, I'm not gonna say that I am doing awful but I’m definitely not doing a solid as I should be the lockdown has lifted here in Vegas but I am just getting back to the swing of things and being able to go outside and yah know like having a normal social life again. The Masks still arnt my thing. Nor do I think ill honestly ever get use to wearing one every time I leave my house lol.
    1 point
  3. Atren224

    Hello Everyone

    thank you Frog and no she does not. I have tried to get her to play but its not something shes into. maybe one day lol and ill add you when i get back on
    1 point
  4. n3bby


    Nice and thoughtful of you to make this. I have good news about masks...you definitely get used to them. Took me a month of >50 hour weeks, where I had to wear the mask at all times (barring eating and walking outside), but now I can't tell if I have one on or off. Covid sucks! I'm 25 and in marathon shape and it absolutely whooped me. 13 of my friends went to Montana to work from home out of two airbnb's - every single one of us got it. I did get sicker than all the rest - another got nearly as sick as me, but yeah covid sucked for me. But now i'm antibodied up at least.
    1 point
  5. s m o k e


    Yep, working from home for 8 months straight has been a bit rough. One positive has been more osrs time, even though at this point that's probably reverted to a negative.
    1 point
  6. Frog Wiz


    Thanks, Laken, for starting this topic as well as sharing your thoughts about the current situation in the world. I have been very fortunate to been able to cope throughout the pandemic and have had relatively little issue with the changes in my own personal life. Work has been fully online and work from home for me for the past 4+ years, and I've had most of my classes at University go either fully online or hybrid with just a few labs that need in-person attendance. There are, of course, days where not everything goes to plan, but that's life! Hard times make hard people. I encourage everyone (if they have time) to read a short blog from one of my favorite "life" websites that puts things into perspective. In the end, time is the most important commodity, and one of the only things we can never get back. https://soflete.com/blogs/knowledge/die-living At the end of the day, we are still here on this Earth and are able to breathe and be alive when others that have passed (in many times, way too early) would give anything for one more hour to spend with those they love, doing the things they enjoy, and just seeing the world once more. Let's remember that while we may be going through difficult times, but all things eventually pass. Stay strong, everyone, and make sure to reach out if you're going through a tough time. Many times, talking it out with friends (or even typing it out) is cathartic. I hope to see everyone sometime once this pandemic is over, and I can't wait for a WG reunion in real life once it happens!
    1 point
  7. Wg Luk1n


    Hi, im luk1n, those who know me, hi! Those who don't, also HI! I was hoping to start playing again a few months back but my family was hit hard with covid, we lost 3 members of our already small family and was further unwell within our bubble, (family unit in the UK) As myself and my partner care for not only our 2 children who one of is autistic we cared for our parents and grandparents too until covid struck... unfortunately we spread the disease in our caring duties to our grandparents even though we were trying our best to contain the virus... the past few months has been particularly difficult not only for our mental health but that of our children who in all honesty are struggling coping. I felt the need to express that as I have not been playing much/at all over the past 3 months after submitting my application to rejoin, this was never my intention and I intended to pick things up where I had left them a few months back. I had taken some time at the beginning of the year to play my ironman mode as there was a few things happening that I felt I didn't want to be around, both in game and IRL and have recently DE ironed my almost 1900 total ironman, RIP anyway, enough of the morbid stuff... my favorite activity on osrs is socialising, i spend many hours just chilling at the GE on my main, but don't be fooled I don't always do that.. i enjoy killing the afk stuff such as brutal black dragons, wyverns, and even vorki with some netflix. my aims for my account in the next few months are to start hosting some fun activies with you guys again... nothing beats a nice hide and seek lol.... im hoping to iron out all the hard diaries on my WG luk1n account and eventually complete quest cape on it a goal i haven't ever had interest in doing but after counting i only had 18 quests to do... i feel i am being lazy not to do..... anyway enough about me, i hope to get to know you guys alot better over the next few weeks.
    1 point
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