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Frog Wiz

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Posts posted by Frog Wiz

  1. Thanks, Laken, for starting this topic as well as sharing your thoughts about the current situation in the world.


    I have been very fortunate to been able to cope throughout the pandemic and have had relatively little issue with the changes in my own personal life. Work has been fully online and work from home for me for the past 4+ years, and I've had most of my classes at University go either fully online or hybrid with just a few labs that need in-person attendance. There are, of course, days where not everything goes to plan, but that's life! Hard times make hard people.


    I encourage everyone (if they have time) to read a short blog from one of my favorite "life" websites that puts things into perspective. In the end, time is the most important commodity, and one of the only things we can never get back.




    At the end of the day, we are still here on this Earth and are able to breathe and be alive when others that have passed (in many times, way too early) would give anything for one more hour to spend with those they love, doing the things they enjoy, and just seeing the world once more. Let's remember that while we may be going through difficult times, but all things eventually pass.


    Stay strong, everyone, and make sure to reach out if you're going through a tough time. Many times, talking it out with friends (or even typing it out) is cathartic. I hope to see everyone sometime once this pandemic is over, and I can't wait for a WG reunion in real life once it happens!

  2. 23 minutes ago, Fifficiency said:

     Froggy do I need to reiterate that Kpop literally stands for Korean pop so its not Japanese LMAO

    I need sleep, you got me. I won't edit so the whole world can see my shame 😭

  3. 9 hours ago, Affect Ctrl said:

    Another Scotsman! How strong is your accent?


    a few of us watch ufc here, perhaps we should start streaming it in the discord 

    Actually, I was thinking the same thing. It may be fun to talk about the fight happening live or have a discussion of mma and or boxing

  4. Welcome back Mojo!


    That music cape is one sweet item; And you're coming back at the perfect time! Lots of things to do, and I'm sure you'll remember some of the old gang still around here.

  5. Welcome my man!


    Lots of MMA and Boxing fans in this clan, as well as a few Scots as well. Seems like you are well traveled and bring with you a lot of experience both in real life and in-game. I look forward to getting to know ya!

  6. I played the usual rotation of sports during elementary through high school (soccer, baseball, basketball, football, track & field), but only ever really enjoyed soccer as a kid and just exercising in general in high school. Wasn't really good at anything 🤣. Nowadays though, big fan of boxing both as a sport as well as something I do. Although I don't like getting punched in the face, I enjoy training tremendously.

  7. Hey there,


    That's an awesome story of when you were a kid 🤣. In retrospect, I should've done the same, but I'm sure that my lack of cleverness would be found out my my parents! Glad you found others like you in that we all came back for the nostalgia.


    See you in game!

  8. Hey there!


    I added you this morning and was just gonna shoot a PM when you got online as I saw your OSRS forum post :D. Glad you found us on your own accord and I look forward to doing stuff in-game with you!

  9. Whoa, welcome! Another oldie in terms of pking and warring; glad to have you here and I'm sure we'll be pking with each other soon. Intellectual eh? Give me a few facts that I can bring up on a whim when in conversations 😁

  10. Hello, and welcome back! I'm definitely a big fan of hide and seek events; I can't wait to see what you cook up. COVID sucks for sure, and I hope that you'll find the rest of this year and 2021 to be better than the past 10-11 months.

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