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WINstanley94 last won the day on May 4 2019

WINstanley94 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About WINstanley94

  • Birthday 09/07/1994


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WINstanley94's Achievements

  1. Yesss!! glad you've applied! Good luck!!:)
  2. cheeky fucker hahaha, ngl im on the table smashed out my head witht he prem title;D
  3. Great person!:D
  4. ayeeee, welcome brother:)
  5. Welcome Val! WINstanley24
  6. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. WINstanley24 What is your current RS name? WINstanley24 List any previous RS names: WG WINstanly What is your total level and combat level? total level - 2070 combat level - 123 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Played runescape for roughly 14 years now...yes it has taken over my life. I'm a dedicated skiller when I want to be but boyyy this game takes a lot of will power! Tell us about your clan history. Clan history- only been in one main clan other than a friends cc...that is the beautiful WG<3 ex event master <3 Tell us about your yourself. So for those who don't know me im Sean, Stan, Stanley whatever you want to call me, im 25 years old and have a crippling runescape addiction. i took a year away from runescape as IRL problems occurred. but i am back now...especially thanks to this coronavirus situation. it has us all stuck in doors:p How did you hear about us? ingame. What makes you want to join us? i want to rejoin the ranks of WG as i feel as tho the clan is a friendly place to be and i know i have a lot to offer the clan <3 Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you:
  7. You're doing great @GurtJun!!!
  8. ayeee nice! grats!! my mother is proud of you!
  9. WINstanley94


    @4474 I. Think mojo is trying to sommon one of your siblings
  10. Best of luck! really good app!:D
  11. @ChrisYeah such an incredible guide! Well presented!
  12. Since ya’ll doing throwbacks @poiuyt415
  13. Hey! We spoke in game! Best of luck! You seem like an awesome guy - winstanley94
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