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Everything posted by Mask

  1. Only three? i died like 20 times on that bastard i was only 82 range tho
  2. google translate "You came so fast!" Wg Gore Def laughs as he grabs a towel to sweep a pair of thick serum 207 off his face. "It's only because you've been teasing me lately!" says Aaight, pulls out his Primordial Boots and rolls up his stomache. "Take me now Wg Gore Def!" Calls Aaight. Wg Gore Def suddenly enters Aaight with his Armadyl Godsword! Aaight groans: "Yes, just like that, let me have Taste Vengeance fill me with your Serum 207!" WG Gore Def could no longer sustain it! * Urggh * Wg Gore Def fills Aaight and leaves it covered with serum 207.
  3. google translate "I do not think I'm ready for this." Aaight whispered to Wg Gore Def. "Do not worry, be careful with you, I know it's your first time," Wg Gore Def told Aaight as he hugged him tightly. WG Gore Def slowly began removing Aaights Bandos Chestplate while he admired his body. "You are so cute when you are nervous". WG Gore Def murmurs in a listening ear. Wg Gore Def begins by removing Aaights Bandos Tassets to reveal his soft but firm Saradomin God's Word. Aaight, blushing uncontrollably, laughs and tells Wg Gore Def "I'm glad my first time is with you". Wg Gore Def laughs back and begins to rub Aaights Saradomin's sword, and suddenly it transforms into a strong and powerful Saradomin God's Word! Out of nowhere, Aaight calls "Taste Veangeance!" and suddenly his Saradomins God's Word bursts and covers the face of Wg Gore Def with Serum 207!
  4. back in classic mining under Falador getting harassed by scorpions and some guy walking past with a d long then myself and about 4 others chase him saying what sword!!!!! (f2p nub at the time lol)
  5. Yo hit me up for some pk trips and check event calendar and gratz for getting in
  6. xbox one GT: Doonga69 Play a few games but waiting for RD2 so haven't been on for a while
  7. doing an amazing job mate makes me want to give it a go... oh look a pker kill him!!!
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