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Mask got a reaction from Adult Cat in Community Intro - Mr Mask
Mr Mask
Tell us about yourself.
Well a few of you will know me from being here before but my names Adam im 32 and I'm from the UK got 2 kinds and 1 on the way. I'm a service & repair engineer for a medical device company.
Clan history.
Joined Jagz for my first clan, was there for a few months.
Left Jagz to join Gladz, and was there for a few months.
Left Gladz to make my own clan slaves of saradomin, my clan fell apart within 2 weeks.
Then I joined Corruption and I was an extremely active member for many years until I stopped playing due to work and so on (We all have to grow up sometime).
I think i tried to join TBE I can’t remember sorry
Joined WG in aug 2018 was made warlord after a month or so and was here for over a year until I left to try other things in runescape
Joined CT was there for a few months until the clan closed.
I quit playing rs after that.
How did you hear about us?
Was in WG before but when i joined it was from google and
Do you plan to join?
Id like to
Any last comments?
I loved my time in WG and I miss playing and chatting with all of you.
I have many great memory's from the Sunday funday events I hosted to the 24 hour pk trips I hosted and so many other events and PK trips hosted by the staff and other members.
One more thing WG is more then a clan its like a family and I miss mu RS family 😢
Mask got a reaction from Adult Cat in Mage arena 2 cape farming guide
A few people asked for this so heres a quick guide on getting some quick Ma2 capes for pk trips.
(Note: this is how I do it but there may be better guides out there, also I only get zamarak capes)
Gear I use:
Depending on what cape your hunting the staff and runes will change, also staff below will auto cast god spells:
Toxic staff of the dead - Flames of Zamorak
Staff of light - Saradomin strike
Staff of balance - Claws of Guthix
As your in deep wild there may be pkers.
Ma2 possible boss spawn locations:
(Note - your boss locations will always be the same as when you found them during the mini quest)
My spawn locations:
Red = Zammy
Green = Guthix
Blue = Sara
Video of cape run:
(Note - I forgot to use charge spell in video)
Need anymore info just ask
Mask got a reaction from Adult Cat in [Accepted] Adult Cat
WELCOME BACK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️
Mask reacted to Adult Cat in [Accepted] Adult Cat
Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.
Adult Cat
What is your current RS name? Adult Cat
List any previous RS names: -
What is your total level and combat level?
1917 - total level.
107 - combat.
Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.
My runescape account is build as med (75 att/99 str ((not yet))/ 75 def) for pking. But PvP sucks rn, so I'm just wasting time in-game like most of you.
Tell us about your clan history.
Well. I was in Wilderness Guardians clan once... For 2 years+. Loved that clan & still love it.
I joined this clan when it was dead clan with 5 members.
But these 5 members were - all for me.
When I quitted WG 2 year later, I joined many clans (over 50+).
Got banned from most of them (since I'm not american - no other reason).
I don't want to list all the clans I went into. You can see them on the frist-second-third etc page in osrs forums.
Tell us about your yourself.
I'm russian alcoholic. Married (sadly) ^^'
How did you hear about us? Forums, I guess
What makes you want to join us? I was in this clan before. I got a lot of friends here.
Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes
Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I was in this clan before. And I had problems with Mojo. If he will ever become a leader again, I will quit. Unless we talk with him.
Mask got a reaction from WG Logout in Two years with the Wilderness Guardians
cheers M8 u can suck my dick later don't worry Masky be back soon ❤️
Mask got a reaction from LII0NHEART in 🔥🔥 Wehay never scammed PROOF
Mask got a reaction from Frog Wiz in 🔥🔥 Wehay never scammed PROOF
Mask got a reaction from Frog Wiz in Soul Wars and Minigames
i read this 2 quick and thought it said fisting guthix i died laughing lol
Mask reacted to Final Combo in New baby
The pet you love to see! Good luck Brother... Hope her first words are jajajajaja
Mask got a reaction from Final Combo in New baby
Hi as most of you know my partner was due in October with our 3rd lil one but she decided she wasn't waiting around and come 5 weeks early so last night at 0.08am (GMT) my lil girl Faye was born
Mum and baby doing ok
Mask reacted to Lait Choco in New baby
Sorry i'm lait but congratulations on becoming a dad Mask! Enjoy all the ups and see through the downs of having a small one around
Mask got a reaction from Lait Choco in New baby
Hi as most of you know my partner was due in October with our 3rd lil one but she decided she wasn't waiting around and come 5 weeks early so last night at 0.08am (GMT) my lil girl Faye was born
Mum and baby doing ok
Mask got a reaction from Ghost Sabre in Mage arena 2 cape farming guide
A few people asked for this so heres a quick guide on getting some quick Ma2 capes for pk trips.
(Note: this is how I do it but there may be better guides out there, also I only get zamarak capes)
Gear I use:
Depending on what cape your hunting the staff and runes will change, also staff below will auto cast god spells:
Toxic staff of the dead - Flames of Zamorak
Staff of light - Saradomin strike
Staff of balance - Claws of Guthix
As your in deep wild there may be pkers.
Ma2 possible boss spawn locations:
(Note - your boss locations will always be the same as when you found them during the mini quest)
My spawn locations:
Red = Zammy
Green = Guthix
Blue = Sara
Video of cape run:
(Note - I forgot to use charge spell in video)
Need anymore info just ask
Mask got a reaction from J o h n s in Mage arena 2 cape farming guide
open rs only i think and its called multi lines